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Maggidans Kinder Goats 

We briefly ventured into breeding Kinder goats.  We have stopped all breeding and have sold all 4 Nubian does to a wonderful farm just down the road.  

For years Dan and I have admired the dairy goats showing at our state fair.  A good friend, Kim Shunney, started raising Kinders alongside her pygmies a number of years ago, and could never say enough good things about them.  So I took the plunge when another good friend, Rosie Ramsey in Tennessee, was selling some outstanding Nubian does.

Meet our Nubians, from Rosie Ramsey, Lomasi and her doelings, and herdmate, Emikota.

Lomasi was bred when I bought her to a gorgeous young Nubian buck named Chocktaw.  Which gave us 2 purebred Nubian doelings, Leilani and Lolita.

Emi, Leilani, Lomasi, and Lolita

Ramsey Chocktaw, sire to Lomasi's Nubian doelings.


Ramsey Emikota
S: Twin Meadows Ju Takota
D: Bulletcreek Emily's Reflection
DOB: 3/23/14

Ramsey Lomasi Yona
S: Twin Meadows Ju Takota
D: Ramsey Niabi Yona
DOB: 1/15/14

Ramsey Leilani
S: Ramsey Chocktaw
D: Ramsey Lomasi Yona
DOB: 4/6/17

Ramsey Lolita
S: Ramsey Chocktaw
D: Ramsey Lomasi Yona
DOB: 4/6/17

Some Historical Pictures

All historical pictures courtesy of Rosie Ramsey, except Lomasi's 2018 udder.

Emikota's and Lomasi's sire, Twin Meadows Ju Takota at 2 years and 6 years old.

Lomasi's dam, Ramsey Niabi Yona

First is not filled udder 8 months into her Niabi's first freshening.

Lomasi's udder at her 2018 kidding with twin Kinders, her 3rd freshening.

Emikota's dam, Bullet Creek Emily's Reflection

Emikota's first freshening.

Our Kinder Kids

Here are some of our Kinder kids.


Lomasi's Kinder bucklings.



Lolita's twin bucklings.


Read more about Kinder Goats here.


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